學校地址:北京朝陽區三里屯南路 40 號、核桃園北 里甲 2 號
圍繞“尊重”理念,學校建構了“基礎 主題”課程結構體系。其中,“基礎課程”包括面向全體學生的基礎核心課程、面向差異群體的拓展深化課程、面向特殊個體的創新定制課程;“主題課程”主要是基于真實問題在真實情景中體驗和實踐的跨學科、綜合性的聯動課程。同時,學校也構建了學生自主發展的課堂,關注每名學生的實際獲得。在教學中提倡激發學生學習內驅力、品味深度學習樂趣、體驗思維成長,促進學生“自我認知-自我實現-自我完善-自我超越”,促進學生健康快樂成長,讓每一個孩子都享有公平而有質量的教育。
學校先后獲得 “全國特色學校”“全國優質品牌學校” “全國學校文化建設優秀校”“國家級基礎教育課程教材改革試點項目學校”“北京市校本課程基地校”“北京市十二五時期小學教師培訓實踐基地”“北京市中小學校長培訓實踐基地”等榮譽稱號。
Built in 1956, Baijiazhuang Primary School is one of the best national experimental schools sponsored by the ESD program of UNESCO, with a scale of seven campuses in Beijing.
To enable our students to respect selves and others, to respect the rules, the environment and the cultural difference and diversity in the course of the students being respected, the school regards “respect” as its core principle, “establishing a learning park” as its teaching objective, and cultivating “patriotic world citizens ” as its educational goal.
To help students obtain “self-cognition, self realization, self-fulfillment and self -improvement”, and enjoy fair and high- quality education, the school constructs the curriculum system of “basic and theme-based courses” and the classroom culture for students’ self development.
Each campus maintains a balanced and high-quality development, and the school has been awarded as “the national school with distinguishing characteristics”, “the national high-quality school”, “Beijing base school with school-based curriculum”, “the first cultural construction demonstration school in Beijing” and “the headmaster training practice base in Beijing”. Besides, the student clubs have obtained remarkable development and great achievements, and such clubs have received the titles of Beijing highest art and technology group in primary and secondary schools as Jinfan Chorus, Beijing Jinpeng Science and Technology Group, Jinfan Painting and Calligraphy Club.