
Chongqing BI Academy is a private K-12 international school. It's located in the Airport Park of Liangjiang New District and covers an area of 240 acres. The school adheres to the educational philosophy of " East Meets West and Present Echoes Past by introducing high-quality educational resources, carrying forward the essence of traditional culture, integrating advanced teaching concepts, and cultivating students' lifelong learning ability. aim to become a respected internationalized Chinese school which is first-class in China and well-known in the world.
學校成立以來,獲得社會各界的認可,被央廣網評為“最受家長信賴的國際學校”,被胡潤百學評為“中國百強國際學校”,被知名咨詢機構評為“中國國際學校競爭力50強”等。Since its establishment, the school has been recognized by all walks of life. It has been rated as "the most trusted international school among parents" by cctv.com, the "top 100 international schools in China" by Hurun, and "top 50 competitiveness of China's international schools" by a well-known consulting institution.
學校數據學校占地面積 200畝The school covers an area of 200 mu實驗室數量 24個Number of laboratories: 24運動場地使用面積 23500 平方米The usage area of sports ground is 23500 square meters藝術教室數量 18個Number of arts classrooms:18在校學生數量 1426人The number of students in school is 1426師生比 1:4.49Teacher student ratio 1: 4.49海歸、碩士學歷教師占比37.37%37% of the teachers with study abroad experience and/or master's degrees班級人數 少于30人Class size less than 30圖書館藏書 45062冊The library has 45062 books學生社團數量 60 個60 student clubs國內外競賽項目開設數量 50 The number of domestic and international competitions is 50 中考聯招線上線率 95%95% of students score higher than the cut-off marks of the joint entrance examination for senior high school每名畢業生平均獲得6所世界知名大學錄取Each BI Academy student has been admitted by 6 universities.