
聯系電話:021- 63160973
校訓:篤學敦行 立己達人
校風:嚴謹 樸實 活潑 進取
學風:刻苦踏實 好學多思 全面發展 學有特長
教風:嚴謹 扎實 求真 創新
Shanghai Datong High School, originally named Datong Academy, was founded in 1912 by Mr. Tunfu Hu and his colleagues at Lida Society. The school changed its charter to become a public school in 1956, and was nominated a Municipal Key School of Shanghai. In 2004, Shanghai Datong was selected as one of the first batch of experimental model high schools in Shanghai.
For the past 100 arduous but successful years, our school has cultivated outstanding talents of over 60,000 for the country, accomplishing our mission of “Developing Human Resources for Our Country”, all the while fostering a rich culture and tradition. Over the years, our outstanding track record has won us dozens of national accolades.
We strongly advocate education for all-around development. We have received national recognition for our remarkable achievements in developing distinguished education programs in morality, science and technology, humanity, sports, and arts, as well as in curriculum reform.
Shanghai Datong is cognizant of the rising demand for preparing students for an increasingly globalized community. As a result, we have established the International Education Department, developed curricula that incorporate international elements, and have formed cooperative programs with over 30 leading schools in 13foreign countries.